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通过1999~2001年对上海地区6种功能10种草坪有害生物种类、分布、寄主范围、发生为害情况的调查,初步明确上海地区草坪有害生物35种,隶属7目17科。根据其为害程度,确定其中3种为上海地区草坪主要种类。并根据调查结果编制了上海地区草坪有害生物名录。  相似文献   
中国储粮昆虫2005年最新名录   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
根据2004~2005年调查,共采集记录中国储粮昆虫(包括天敌)270种,其中害虫226种,储粮害虫天敌44种。它们隶属于2纲,12目,54科。其中属于昆虫纲的种类有:鞘翅目昆虫31科;鳞翅目昆虫6科;膜翅目昆虫5科;蜚蠊目、半翅目、双翅目昆虫各2科;啮虫目、缨尾目、等翅目、革翅目昆虫各1科。属于蛛形纲的种类有:拟蝎目的伪蝎科;蛛形目的壁钱科。  相似文献   
兰州南北两山种子植物区系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了全面了解兰州南北两山种子植物的生长分布情况及植物区系的地理成分组成,充分认识该区域的自然历史过程,本研究对兰州地区种子植物进行了实地调查。结果表明,兰州南北两山植物种质资源相对丰富,种子植物155种,隶属于39科115属。其中裸子植物1科1属1种;被子植物38科114属154种。较大科(10~29种)的禾本科(Gramineae)、菊科(Compositae)和豆科(Leguminosae)为优势科,中型科(2~9种)构成了植物区系组成的主体;兰州地区种子植物科的优势现象较为明显,禾本科、菊科和豆科的科、属、种分别占总体的7.69%、43.48%和45.80%;属的种类分布较松散,植物分布于多属,属的优势现象表现的不明显;该研究区植物区系科按地理成分可划分为5种类型和4种变型,优势科均为世界广布科,其所占比例最大,占总科数的53.85%,热带分布科和温带分布科也有分布,所占比例分别为总科数的25.64%和20.51%;研究区植物区系中属按地理成分可划分为12种类型和9种变型,温带性属占有绝对的优势地位,占总属数的50.44%,热带成分和地中海成分有一定表现,分别占总属数的15.65%和6.96%,说明兰州南北两山种子植物区系与古地中海植物区系有一定的联系,中亚成分和东亚成分表现微弱,无中国特有科,中国特有属有1属,即文冠果属(Xanthoceras)。在南北两山种子植物种质资源分布差异的研究中发现,北山种子植物物种较南山丰富,南山种子植物密度、分盖度、生物量、株高、冠幅等生长指标整体呈现出较北山大的趋势。  相似文献   
红花檵木品种分类系统   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
在建立红花  相似文献   
白龙江林区天牛科昆虫名录初报(一)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2000~2003年在白龙江林管局所属的迭部、舟曲林区调查,采集到天牛科昆虫标本200余个,经鉴定有51种,其中1种为国内新记录,13种为甘肃省新记录。  相似文献   
园林行业施工企业定额编制的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章分析了园林行业建立施工企业定额的必要性,在此基础上探讨了编制园林行业施工企业定额的原则和方法,并以实例介绍了园林行业施工企业定额的构成。  相似文献   
Deforestation is a major threat to the conservation of biodiversity, especially within global centers of endemism for plants and animals. Elevation, the major environmental gradient in mountain regions of the world, produces a rapid turnover of species, where some species may exist only in narrow elevational ranges. We use newly compiled datasets to assess the conservation impact of deforestation on threatened trees across an elevational gradient within the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania. The Eastern Arc has suffered an estimated 80% total loss in historical forest area and has lost 25% of forest area since 1955. Forest loss has not been even across all elevations. The upper montane zone (>1800 m) has lost 52% of its paleoecological forest area, 6% since 1955. Conversely, the submontane habitat (800–1200 m) has lost close to 93% of its paleoecological extent, 57% since 1955. A list of 123 narrowly endemic Tanzanian Eastern Arc tree taxa with defined and restricted elevational ranges was compiled and analyzed in regard to mountain block locations, elevational range, and area of forest within each 100 m elevational band. Half of these taxa have lost more than 90% of paleoecological forest habitat in their elevational range. When elevational range is considered, 98 (80%) of these endemic forest trees should have their level of extinction threat elevated on the IUCN Red List. Conservation efforts in montane hotspots need to consider the extent of habitat changes both within and across elevations and target conservation and restoration efforts throughout these ecosystems’ entire elevational ranges.  相似文献   
Knowledge about the ecology of urban water systems is very scarce. We assessed the conservation value of urban drainage systems in lowland areas and compared these with similar watercourses in rural areas. A total of 36 water bodies in urban areas were selected to investigate the macroinvertebrate biodiversity in relation to environmental variables. Multivariate analysis of aquatic macroinvertebrate assemblages was used to distinguish urban water types and to link these types to key environmental variables. Several biodiversity indices for urban water systems were compared with those for other drainage systems in The Netherlands. Four types of macroinvertebrate assemblages were distinguished in the urban water systems, differing in environmental conditions and values of ecological indicators. The variation in macroinvertebrate assemblages was significantly explained by nitrate, pH, grain size (sediment composition), transparency, nymphaeid and submerged vegetation. Urban drainage systems can sustain a macroinvertebrate biodiversity comparable to that of drainage systems in rural areas (ditches and canals) and (semi)natural watercourses (lotic waters such as small streams and rivulets) and can even be a habitat for red list species. To optimize biodiversity values, urban water management should aim at lowering nutrient levels, stimulating vegetation (diversity of habitat structure) and increasing transparency, which are key factors for macroinvertebrate diversity. We show the potential conservation benefits of water systems in urban areas, but further studies are needed to investigate the optimal design of cities to include biodiversity as an integrated part of the urban environment, thereby sustaining a higher biodiversity in an increasingly urbanizing world.  相似文献   
河南省重点保护植物名录修订   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据Flora of China、《中国植物志》和一些植物名称数据库,对2005年河南省政府颁布的《河南省重点保护植物名录》进行了修订.结果表明,此名录有98个类群,其中15个为异名,10个拉丁文拼写错误,8个中文名变化,2个命名人有误,1个中文名兼拉丁名错误,1个多余名,其余61个无变化.最后建议在充分调查河南省重点...  相似文献   
柞树(栎属)天牛科害虫名录   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为控制和预防柞树天牛科害虫的发生与危害收集相关的基础信息.以辽宁柞蚕区实地调查与其他省区查阅文献相结合,查明并记录了柞树天牛科害虫共58属,87种.其中云斑天牛和黄带蓝天牛为辽宁省首次发现,青杨楔天牛和麻竖毛天牛为辽宁省首次发现危害柞树.介绍了柞树天牛科害虫的中文名称、学名、寄主种类及分布区域.  相似文献   
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